Friday, July 18, 2008

Hot Technology News - July 17 2008

Technology Hot News
Nintendo seizes lead in US console war - By Tracy Erickson | 07/17/2008 | 10:36:56 PM PST Speaking to GamePro today Nintendo proclaimed, "After just 20 months, Wii is the new console leader in the US with nearly 10.9 million units.

Financial Times gets a makeover, ventures into iPhone, living room
Ars Technica - By David Chartier | Published: July 17, 2008 - 07:10PM CT Music streaming and social community has redesigned for a more mature experience, adding more integration and ubiquity across a variety of devices.

Times Online
SF IT System Lockout Continues
eWeek - By Chris Preimesberger Administrators still cannot access San Francisco's main IT system, thanks to rogue employee who changed all the passwords and won't give them to authorities.

Amazon Plans an Online Store for Movies and TV Shows
New York Times - By BRAD STONE SAN FRANCISCO - In a significant step toward vanquishing the local video store and keeping couch potatoes planted firmly in front of their televisions and computers, Amazon.

Wired News
House panelists seek opt-in rule for Web tracking
Los Angeles Times - By Jim Puzzanghera, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer WASHINGTON -- A key House lawmaker said Thursday that Internet service providers should be prohibited from tracking customers' Web activities to deliver targeted ads without those users' clear approval ...
Tape storage, high and low, gets more dense - By Stephen Lawson , IDG News Service , 07/15/2008 Two classes of tape storage are jumping to higher densities this week, potentially saving time and money at enterprises as well as small and medium-size businesses.
EU sweep on ringtone scams includes two Maltese websites
Times of Malta -Two websites in Malta have been investigated as part of an EU-wide sweep into websites offering mobile phone services such as ring-tones and wallpapers.
Wii sales devilishly good
Inquirer - By Aharon Etengoff: Friday, 18 July 2008, 7:28 AM NINTENDO SOLD a total of 666000 Wii units and 783000 DS handheld gaming device in June.


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