Tuesday, July 8, 2008

How to set background music in blogs and websites

Play Background music in blogs and websites

background_music Background music in blogs and websites is not appreciated by many viewers since it disturbs attention, gathers unwanted attention and wastes bandwidth. However there are many methods to do this and many websites catering to this demand......

The first requirement is to have your music file ready and upload it to a freehost like Googlepages. If you can't create an account at Googlepages create a group at Google Groups and this gives you 100 MB free space for files. Next upload your file to the freehost and copy down its link or URL.

The simplest solution is to use the embed tag to put the file in your page. Login to Dashboard and go to Layouts. This opens the Page Elements tab in which click on Add Page Element in the sidebar. Choose the Html/Javascript option and paste this code under contents :

<EMBED src="LINK OF SOUND FILE AT FREE HOST" autostart=true loop=false volume=100 hidden=true><NOEMBED><BGSOUND src="NAME OF FILE"></NOEMBED>

Replace the CAPS in above code and Save.

When you put autostart=true then the file will start playing as soon as the page is loaded.
You can put "FALSE" instead of "TRUE" so the person visiting your page will have to click on the play button for it to start. Loop=true makes the file to play again and again. Use this for small files like birdsongs which can continuously play in the background.


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