Monday, September 15, 2008

September 15 todayshot

Transcript of BofA-Merrill news conference

Biden Steps Up Criticism of McCain

Apple to Podcaster: No App Store for you

RICHARD WRIGHT The Pink Floyd founder and keyboard player is dead...

• Brewers dismiss manager Yost

Will the Real Sarah Palin Please Stand Up?

Fannie, Freddie Regulator Blocks `Golden Parachutes' for CEOs

Obama unveils new women's group
Boston Globe
With Sarah Palin helping John McCain make inroads among female voters, Democrat Barack Obama today announced a new group of women who are business leaders, astronauts, athletes, and elected officials.

Rep. Rangel to Hire Forensic Accountant to Investigate His Finances
Washington Post
By Christopher Lee Rep. Charles B. Rangel (DN.Y.) says he will hire a forensic accountant to untangle his confusing and error-prone financial disclosure forms and eventually will make his tax returns and the accountant's report public.

Democrats Renew Call For Second Stimulus
CBS News
By Daniel W. Reilly (The Politico) Pivoting off another day of rough news for Wall Street, congressional Democrats renewed their call for a second economic stimulus package on Monday morning.


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