Asylum's first fall mockbuster Death Racers hits just a month after it's big screen cousin Death Race hits theaters. I'm looking forward to it. After the disappointment of Allan Quartermain and the Temple of Skulls, Sci-Fi's premier of 100 Million BC (hitting DVD July 29) restored my faith in Asylum as it bought home a fun little flick that was throughly enjoyable. Hopefully, Death Racers will be the same.
Asylum has recently updated the movie's page with the cover art, which in my opinion, is better than the current Death Race poster. Sorta gives the vibe of Grindhouse a tad. They have also added the films trailer to the page. But first, standard warnings apply: THIS TRAILER IS NOT WORK SAFE DUE TO LANGUAGE, VIOLENCE, YADDA, YADDA, YADDA now with me bum covered, check out the trailer here.
The film looks decent and interesting. I'll be checking it out when it comes out. Special Features:
- Making of the Race Featurette
- Making the Cars Featurette
- Bloopers
Death Race 2000: Buckingham Palace Style
American Musician Nearly Run Over
by Queen of England
Kevin Montgomery: ... "So, i'm walking through Windsor Great Park in outside Windsor Castle......and all of a sudden i'm startled by a car right behind me.......i spun around and the Queen passed by me in a Jaguar.......yes, she was driving......had a lime green hat on......the path in front of the castle is normally only used by pedestrians.......even bicycles are not allowed, but it is her property so i reckon she can do what she wants!!!
I just happened to be filming at the moment she came up behind me, or i would never have gotten it on film.
Anyway, it was kind of cool.........who can say they were that close to the Queen......i'm quite sure that will be our only meeting!!!! British people might not find this interesting, but for an American it was pretty cool." ... (video below)
That video clip above reminds me of something
you'd see on Olbermann, ... on Oddball.
(..."The Lunatic is on the Grass, ... Drunk!"...)
The video above inspired me to come up with new lyrics
to the Sex Pistols' song, "Roadrunner." (below)
Old song:
Roadrunner roadrunner
Going faster miles an hour
Gonna ride by the stop-n-shop
With the radio on
New song:
Drunkdriver Alzheimer
Scare the peasants with my Jaguar
Drivin' fast down the pedestrian path
With my lime green hat on
by Queen of England
Kevin Montgomery: ... "So, i'm walking through Windsor Great Park in outside Windsor Castle......and all of a sudden i'm startled by a car right behind me.......i spun around and the Queen passed by me in a Jaguar.......yes, she was driving......had a lime green hat on......the path in front of the castle is normally only used by pedestrians.......even bicycles are not allowed, but it is her property so i reckon she can do what she wants!!!
I just happened to be filming at the moment she came up behind me, or i would never have gotten it on film.
Anyway, it was kind of cool.........who can say they were that close to the Queen......i'm quite sure that will be our only meeting!!!! British people might not find this interesting, but for an American it was pretty cool." ... (video below)
That video clip above reminds me of something
you'd see on Olbermann, ... on Oddball.
(..."The Lunatic is on the Grass, ... Drunk!"...)
The video above inspired me to come up with new lyrics
to the Sex Pistols' song, "Roadrunner." (below)
Old song:
Roadrunner roadrunner
Going faster miles an hour
Gonna ride by the stop-n-shop
With the radio on
New song:
Drunkdriver Alzheimer
Scare the peasants with my Jaguar
Drivin' fast down the pedestrian path
With my lime green hat on
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