Friday, July 18, 2008

Hot Technology News - July 18 2008

Scientific American
Nintendo seizes lead in US console war - by Tracy Erickson | 07/17/2008 | 10:36:56 PM PST Speaking to GamePro today Nintendo proclaimed, "After just 20 months, Wii is the new console leader in the US with nearly 10.9 million units.
GameSpot News Blog GameSpot
07-08: Xbox's first EVER profitable year CVG Online

ChattahBox gets a makeover, ventures into iPhone, living room
Ars Technica - By David Chartier | Published: July 17, 2008 - 07:10PM CT Music streaming and social community has redesigned for a more mature experience, adding more integration and ubiquity across a variety of devices.
From the Desk of David Pogue A Candy Store for the iPhone New York Times
App Store downloads led by free apps; one quarter are games Apple Insider

Ontario Now
SF IT System Lockout Continues
eWeek -
By Chris Preimesberger Administrators still cannot access San Francisco's main IT system, thanks to rogue employee who changed all the passwords and won't give them to authorities.
San Francisco System Admin Pleads Not Guilty CRN
Insider threat looms large as San Francisco's network crisis plays out

Amazon Plans an Online Store for Movies and TV Shows
New York Times - By BRAD STONE SAN FRANCISCO - In a significant step toward vanquishing the local video store and keeping couch potatoes planted firmly in front of their televisions and computers, Amazon.
Amazon Plans New Online Store Will Stream The Movie Right To Your TV CRN

MediaPost Publications
House panelists seek opt-in rule for Web tracking
Los Angeles Times -
By Jim Puzzanghera, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer WASHINGTON -- A key House lawmaker said Thursday that Internet service providers should be prohibited from tracking customers' Web activities to deliver targeted ads without those users' clear approval ...
NebuAd grilled over hot coals in Congress on privacy CNET News
US lawmaker wants consent required for Web-tracking Reuters

Tape storage, high and low, gets more dense - By Stephen Lawson , IDG News Service , 07/15/2008 Two classes of tape storage are jumping to higher densities this week, potentially saving time and money at enterprises as well as small and medium-size businesses.
HP and Sony double team better storage tape format Register
Tape Gets Some Respect from ...
Wii sales devilishly good
Inquirer - By Aharon Etengoff: Friday, 18 July 2008, 7:28 AM NINTENDO SOLD a total of 666000 Wii units and 783000 DS handheld gaming device in June.
Nintendo releases second half game lineup for 2008
Wrapup: What Nintendo Announced at E3 PC Magazine
EU sweep on ringtone scams includes two Maltese websites
Times of Malta - Two websites in Malta have been investigated as part of an EU-wide sweep into websites offering mobile phone services such as ring-tones and wallpapers.
Cracking Down on Ringtone Swindles BusinessWeek
EU to Crack Down on Bogus Online Ringtone Sellers PC World

Exactly what the Wiimote was supposed to be in the beginning.
IGN - by Gerry Block July 17, 2008 - E3 2006 was the first time a lot of American videogame journalists got to go hands on with the Revolution / Wii.
In-Depth and Hands-On: Nintendo Wii Sports Resort and Wii Music PC World
Nintendo: Future Wiimotes could have MotionPlus built in

Apple's recall demand would probably kill Psystar, says IP attorney
Computerworld -By Gregg Keizer July 17, 2008 (Computerworld) Apple Inc.'s demand that a Mac clone maker recall computers because the company installed Mac OS X on the machines may be an extreme measure, but it's hardly unprecedented, an intellectual property attorney ...
Mac Cloner Psystar Resumes Operations Despite Apple Suit InformationWeek
Filing details Apple’s complaint against Psystar Macworld

ABC News
State of the Art In Sync to Pierce the Cloud
New York Times - By DAVID POGUE “Cloud computing” is a white-hot buzzword these days. It basically means working with files and programs that reside on the Internet, beyond your company’s walls - out there in the “cloud.
SHIFT: Putting the iPhone 3G in perspective DVICE
MobileMe update: What is still missing and incomplete TG Daily

ABC News
Water, Water Everywhere on Mars
ABC News - By BRANDON KEIM The red planet was once awash in water, say scientists -- not boiling water, but benign seas that may have been suitable for life.
Water 'widespread' on early Mars BBC News
Early Mars was all wet USA Today

PC World
MTV isn't being evil.... Google, on the other hand.
BusinessWeek -To hear Google tell it, MTV-owner Viacom is the epitome of evil media conglomerate and Google is the hero of user privacy. In a July 15 blog post, YouTube executives portrayed an agreement with Viacom to obscure users’ identities in YouTube’s viewing ...
Lawyers in YouTube lawsuit reach privacy deal Reuters
Want to clear your viewing history on YouTube? Good luck Los Angeles Times
Schmidt: YouTube + ads = 'holy grail'
CNET News - Google CEO Eric Schmidt has spoken more than once this year about monetizing YouTube, but he showed some signs of patience on Thursday for finding a new, good way to sell ads on the video-sharing site.
Google's YouTube in Lions Gate film clips deal Reuters
Lionsgate and YouTube strike an ad-sharing deal

Environment News Service
Fuel cell vehicles still in first gear
CNET News - As in years past, fuel cell-powered vehicles are the technology of the future, according to a report published on Thursday by the US National Academies.
Hydrogen Cars Will Need Multi-Billion Dollar Jumpstart, Experts Warn Environment News Service
Science panel says $200B needed for hydrogen vehicles

Multichannel News
Cable operators across the US vow to block child porn
Ars Technica -By Jacqui Cheng | Published: July 17, 2008 - 09:20PM CT 18 cable operators that provide Internet connections to 87 percent of US homes vowed today to take measures to limit the distribution of child pornography.
Cable Industry Vows to Block Child Porn Web Sites PC Magazine
Cable firms join plan to root out child porn Rutland Herald
Netflix To Stream Movies Over Microsoft's Xbox Live Service
InformationWeek -By Paul McDougall Microsoft and Netflix have unveiled a partnership under which Netflix will stream movies directly to consumers through Microsoft's Internet-based Xbox Live service.
E3 2008: You’re in the Movies Preview (Xbox 360) TeamXbox
What Microsoft does not want you to know about Netflix streaming TG Daily
SCO to pay Novell $2.5 million in suit over tech licensing
Deseret News -By Brice Wallace The SCO Group Inc. will have to pay Novell Corp. more than $2.5 million in a technology-licensing dispute, but that's far less than the nearly $20 million to which Novell had said it was entitled.
SCO loses another round in Unix fight, must pay $2.55M to Novell Computerworld
SCO case: one more step in a tortuous saga iTWire
AOL Spammer: You've Got Jail
CRN - By Brian Kraemer, ChannelWeb A spammer who sent more than 250000 spam e-mails to more than 1.2 million AOL accounts in 2005 was sentenced to 30 months in prison this week.
Spammer Faces 30 Months Sentence For Sending Spam Mails To AOL ... ITProPortal
Spammer Gets 30 Months for Inundating AOL PC World

CNET Crave Blog
Intel vPro: What is New for IT
eWeek - By Scott Ferguson Intel Centrino 2 mobile platform for notebooks, released earlier this week, includes several updates to its vPro technology that should improve the way IT departments manage and secure business laptops.
Intel launches Centrino 2 with host of chipset improvements Ars Technica
Centrino 2: Coming soon to a Mac near you? Macworld


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