Tuesday, July 8, 2008

How To Add Your Website To Google.com

How To Add Your Website To Google.com News

news Thought this was a bit refreshing topic that some webmasters have been wondering about. A thread at Digitalpoint explores the process of submitting your blog/website to Google News to be spidered. Its not an easy process at all, but a few people with experience have chimed in to give a few pointers that might enable you to get added quicker. I know this year after a long time of trying Barry was able to get Search Engine Roundtable submitted sucessfully to Google News. Its something that we have been trying to do for sometime and despite the obstacles was successful. Shoemoney makes a few good pointers if you are considering adding your site such as in order to get accepted you need "url structure has 5 digits, you have 5 authors with profiles, and you have 3 editors with profiles".


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