Thursday, July 10, 2008

Matt Mullenweg is the founder developer of WordPress

wordpress-founder-matt-tnIf you are a blogger they you might be aware of the importance of WordPress in blogosphere. Last week I upgraded my blog with latest version of WordPress 2.5.1. There I got the idea to write an article on the founder developer of WordPress. WordPress is a blog publishing system written in PHP. All data is stored in a MySQL database. It is distributed under the GNU General Public License. Matt Mullenweg is the founder developer of WordPress. He is also a author of a popular web 2.0 blog called In June 2002 Matt started a blog using the b2/cafelog blogging software. The purpose of that blog was just to publish the photos he was taking on a trip to Washington D.C. After a few months the development of b2 was stopped. Meanwhile, he also left his job at CNET and he started devoting his time on open source projects. Then he was contacted by Mike Little and together they started WordPress from the b2 codebase. Also, Michel Valdrighi who was an original b2 developer joined them.

WordPress is used by a 34 blogs in the Technorati’s Top 100 blogs list.


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So this is how WordPress started. In 2005, he founded Automattic which own and Akismet. These days Matt is frequent speaker at Web 2.0 conferences. Thanks Matt for giving internet world such a powerful blogging tool.


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