Thursday, February 19, 2009

Michelle Bachman Turns Her Overdrive to the Subject of the Rich

Michelle Bachman Turns Her Overdrive to the Subject of the Rich

Michelle Bachman wasted no time this week in claiming that the Obama administration is robbing this country of its greatest resource. “We’re running out of rich people,” said the Republican Congresswoman from Minnesota on a conservative talk show in Minnesota. This is truly a sad state of affairs. The United States looks up to our rich as a source of inspiration filling a roll that royalty would serve in other cultures. When the super rich become merely rich and the merely rich fade into the obscurity of upper middle class living, we all lose something precious.

There are many people who have lived a middle class lifestyle who as a result of this economic downturn are finding themselves in danger of losing their home and having to choose between health care and food for their families. Don’t we owe it to these people to offer them the greatest upperclass we can for them to aspire to and to distract them from their own miserable lives? The top 1% of this country pays 27% of our country’s taxes despite owning only45% of this country’s wealth. We must call upon congress to cut taxes further for this group. George Bush was able to increase their standard of living, if Obama is any kind of President he should be able to do so as well.

Michelle Bachman continues to amaze me. She is truly one of the deep thinkers of the Republican party. I would love to know what she knows about her Democrat colleagues in congress. Before the elections she called for McCarthy style trials of those members she deemed Unamerican. Now she points out that “many members of congress have an aversion to capitalism”. Outside of Bernie Sanders who has the decency to run as a socialist, our congress people should be capitalists. There is also no excuse for a congressman to be Unamerican. I would definitely like to put Representative Bachman in charge of finding these Unamerican representatives.

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